stabilizing a scientific-healthy educational system. Previous findings of studies made in this area are also in
conformity with the results of the present survey.
In future researches, obstacles of using modern education-nutritional tools and also cognitive and
emotional consequences of using remote education system can be examined. As a consequence, implementation
of the self-report questionnaire, which was limited to managers and educational employees of elementary
schools, should be under consideration.
The authors are grateful to all school principals participated in this survey and also to managers of
selected school of Razan city, Iran for his valuable support related to the current study.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed equally to this work.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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To cite this paper: Yousefi M and Yousefi Z. 2019. Impact of school meals’ type and time on children's food consumption, physical and behavioral activities. J. Life